Summary of Key Information
The housing need for our parish has been identified as a modest dwellings number of 13-15 over the plan period which is up to 2036 (in line with the next Local Plan period). Evidence gathered for the Plan suggests a need for new houses to be predominantly 2 and 3 bedrooms in the parish. This presentation summarises how this figure was calculated.
Housing Needs Topic Paper
An in-depth assessment of the evidence to calculate the proposed local housing need figure is available by downloading this paper. This includes information from the Wiltshire Council Housing Needs Survey report (2018), the AECOM Housing Needs Assessment and the Community Questionnaire results (2018).
Wiltshire Council Housing Needs Survey 2018
The 2018 Wiltshire Council Housing Needs Survey results, here, outlines local needs for affordable housing and how many people are eligible as per the Wiltshire Council affordable housing screening process - their ‘Allocations Policy’ . The results of this survey indicate that two 'shared ownership' properties are needed in the parish (2-bed and 3-bedroom). n.b. Shared ownership is a system by which the occupier of a dwelling buys a proportion of the property and pays rent on the remainder, typically to a local authority or housing association
AECOM Housing Needs Assessment
This report explores the need for older persons accommodation, bedroom size and tenure. It recommends 10 additional dwellings should be provided (but not necessarily in the Parish).
Bedroom size of new properties should be as follows:
18% of new homes should have 1 bedroom
39% should be 2 bedrooms and a further
43% 3 bedrooms.
You can read the AECOM Housing Needs Assessment here.
Summary of Key Information
Several sites came forward from the Call for Sites (2018), the Community Questionnaire and from the Wiltshire Council Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) process.
Click here for summary of site assessment information.
Site Assessment Topic Paper
An in-depth assessment of sites and important considerations in allocating any potential sites is in the Site Assessment Topic Paper. This includes information from the 2018 Wiltshire Council Housing Needs Survey Report, the AECOM Housing Needs Assessment (AECOM HNA) and the Community Questionnaire Full Report 2018
AECOM Sites Assessment
Independent consultants AECOM produced a site assessment report, here, which shortlisted nine sites for assessment. Two sites were deemed by AECOM as ‘suitable’ (both are within the Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (CCWWD), and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and three sites are considered ‘potentially suitable’ for development (one outside the AONB and two within).
WC/AONB Initial Views
Wiltshire Council and the AONB have provided indicative views on issues such as highways, access and landscape impacts. Please note, these are preliminary views only and a more formal response will be given by these organisations when the Draft Plan is produced on which sites, if any, will be put forward. Their initial views are here
Additional Information from Site Owners
Some landowners have shared additional information on the site, including site outlines and indicative proposals:
Bundy Field:
Bundy Field Drainage Technical Note
Blue Cedar March 2018 Presentation (which includes proposed boundaries of development and possible village green and parking in the village)
Summary Benefits of development on the Bundy Field (Blue Cedar) (March 2018)
Summary Benefits of development on the Bundy Field (updated July 2020)
The Old Vicarage:
The Old Vicarage (Savills website)
Land East of Shutts Lane:
Land East of Shutts Lane (location plans) not yet available
Kenora Paddock:
Site outline
Summary of Key Information
A Neighbourhood Plan can seek to protect or improve recreational areas, footpaths, important visual landscapes, roadside verges, allotments and biodiversity. Using the criteria detailed in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) the Neighbourhood Plan can designate suitable sites in the Parish as a Local Green Spaces (LGS). The Local Green Space Topic Paper explains the process and criteria which have been used to select the sites which will go forward into the draft Neighood Plan as Local Green Spaces. There are seven LGS sites that will be allocated in the draft Plan. The document also includes sites that did not meet the criteria for designation.
Summary of Key Information
It is important that any adverse landscape impacts on the Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (CCWD AONB) are avoided and that the area retains its rural character in the event of any new development facilitated through the Neighbourhood Plan. The Steering Group have assessed the valued landscape areas in the parish.
Environment, Landscape Character and Vistas Topic Paper
The Environment, Landscape Character and Vistas Topic Paper has been produced to cover views and vistas to be considered in tandem with important local landscape characters and provides in-depth background on the area
See also the AECOM Site Assessment Report for specific landscape impacts for different sites as well as the AECOM, WC and AONB View on Sites - working document.
There are two conservation areas within the parish, which seek to retain and enhance the historic character of the area, see here.
Unlike many other areas with a Conservation Area/s, there is no Conservation Area Appraisal for the parish to help protect historic and local character.
A design guide was commissioned by the Steering Group which sets out the overall important and unique characteristics of the parish
AECOM Design Guide
The AECOM design guide is here.
Summary of Key Information
A significant amount of work was carried out in the Parish Plan to assess the possibility for expansion and enhancement of local footpaths in the parish. The Steering Group have also assessed suggestions from the Community Questionnaire on potential footpath routes and sustainable transport improvements. Click here for a summary of key information.
Footpaths topic paper
You can find more information in the footpaths topic paper here. Please note this is a working document and has not yet been approved by the steering group and Parish Council.
To make the Neighbourhood Plan as representative and effective as possible, it needs to consider a range of evidence. Below you can find some additional information that has supported the Plan or been key to shaping the process.
Community questionnaire – Full Report
The Community Questionnaire Full Report summarises the responses from the 2018 questionnaire, which invited local people to give their views on local development issues. There were 95 completed questionnaires. The response rate was 29%, which is average for a questionnaire of this type.
Community Questionnaire – Summary Report
A summary of the full report of the Community Questionnaire results which were shared with the community in March, 2019.
Parish Plan
The Parish Plan (2012) was the starting point in the evidence base which highlighted preferences for downsizing and sustainable transport priorities, amongst others. You can find out more by reading the Parish Plan web page.
Map of CB&HNP Neighbourhood Area
In December 2017, Wiltshire Council approved a request by Coombe Bissett Parish Council for the parish to become a ‘Neighbourhood Area’. You can see the formal WC designation document and a map of the CB&HNP Neighbourhood Area map.
Population Demographics
Find out about CB&H Population Demographics.
Neighbourhood Plan Process
You can find out more about Neighbourhood Planning – an introduction, CB&HNP Progress to date and timeline.
AECOM are an independent consultancy offering technical support under the Locality Neighbourhood Plan grant programme - see Locality NP Grant programme.
Wiltshire Council Core Strategy (2015 – 2026)
National Planning Policy Framework (2019)
Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs AONB Management Plan (2019-2024)
Wiltshire Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule
Wiltshire Council Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment SHELAA process.
Summary of Key Information
The housing need for our parish has been identified as a modest dwellings number of 13-15 over the plan period which is up to 2036 (in line with the next Local Plan period). Evidence gathered for the Plan suggests a need for new houses to be predominantly 2 and 3 bedrooms in the parish. This presentation summarises how this figure was calculated.
Housing Needs Topic Paper
An in-depth assessment of the evidence to calculate the proposed local housing need figure is available by downloading this paper. This includes information from the Wiltshire Council Housing Needs Survey report (2018), the AECOM Housing Needs Assessment and the Community Questionnaire results (2018).
Wiltshire Council Housing Needs Survey 2018
The 2018 Wiltshire Council Housing Needs Survey results, here, outlines local needs for affordable housing and how many people are eligible as per the Wiltshire Council affordable housing screening process - their ‘Allocations Policy’ . The results of this survey indicate that two 'shared ownership' properties are needed in the parish (2-bed and 3-bedroom). n.b. Shared ownership is a system by which the occupier of a dwelling buys a proportion of the property and pays rent on the remainder, typically to a local authority or housing association
AECOM Housing Needs Assessment
This report explores the need for older persons accommodation, bedroom size and tenure. It recommends 10 additional dwellings should be provided (but not necessarily in the Parish).
Bedroom size of new properties should be as follows:
18% of new homes should have 1 bedroom
39% should be 2 bedrooms and a further
43% 3 bedrooms.
You can read the AECOM Housing Needs Assessment here.
Summary of Key Information
Several sites came forward from the Call for Sites (2018), the Community Questionnaire and from the Wiltshire Council Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) process.
Click here for summary of site assessment information.
Site Assessment Topic Paper
An in-depth assessment of sites and important considerations in allocating any potential sites is in the Site Assessment Topic Paper. This includes information from the 2018 Wiltshire Council Housing Needs Survey Report, the AECOM Housing Needs Assessment (AECOM HNA) and the Community Questionnaire Full Report 2018
AECOM Sites Assessment
Independent consultants AECOM produced a site assessment report, here, which shortlisted nine sites for assessment. Two sites were deemed by AECOM as ‘suitable’ (both are within the Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (CCWWD), and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and three sites are considered ‘potentially suitable’ for development (one outside the AONB and two within).
WC/AONB Initial Views
Wiltshire Council and the AONB have provided indicative views on issues such as highways, access and landscape impacts. Please note, these are preliminary views only and a more formal response will be given by these organisations when the Draft Plan is produced on which sites, if any, will be put forward. Their initial views are here
Additional Information from Site Owners
Some landowners have shared additional information on the site, including site outlines and indicative proposals:
Bundy Field:
Bundy Field Drainage Technical Note
Blue Cedar March 2018 Presentation (which includes proposed boundaries of development and possible village green and parking in the village)
Summary Benefits of development on the Bundy Field (Blue Cedar) (March 2018)
Summary Benefits of development on the Bundy Field (updated July 2020)
The Old Vicarage:
The Old Vicarage (Savills website)
Land East of Shutts Lane:
Land East of Shutts Lane (location plans) not yet available
Kenora Paddock:
Site outline
Summary of Key Information
A Neighbourhood Plan can seek to protect or improve recreational areas, footpaths, important visual landscapes, roadside verges, allotments and biodiversity. Using the criteria detailed in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) the Neighbourhood Plan can designate suitable sites in the Parish as a Local Green Spaces (LGS). The Local Green Space Topic Paper explains the process and criteria which have been used to select the sites which will go forward into the draft Neighood Plan as Local Green Spaces. There are seven LGS sites that will be allocated in the draft Plan. The document also includes sites that did not meet the criteria for designation.
Summary of Key Information
It is important that any adverse landscape impacts on the Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (CCWD AONB) are avoided and that the area retains its rural character in the event of any new development facilitated through the Neighbourhood Plan. The Steering Group have assessed the valued landscape areas in the parish.
Environment, Landscape Character and Vistas Topic Paper
The Environment, Landscape Character and Vistas Topic Paper has been produced to cover views and vistas to be considered in tandem with important local landscape characters and provides in-depth background on the area
See also the AECOM Site Assessment Report for specific landscape impacts for different sites as well as the AECOM, WC and AONB View on Sites - working document.
There are two conservation areas within the parish, which seek to retain and enhance the historic character of the area, see here.
Unlike many other areas with a Conservation Area/s, there is no Conservation Area Appraisal for the parish to help protect historic and local character.
A design guide was commissioned by the Steering Group which sets out the overall important and unique characteristics of the parish
AECOM Design Guide
The AECOM design guide is here.
Summary of Key Information
A significant amount of work was carried out in the Parish Plan to assess the possibility for expansion and enhancement of local footpaths in the parish. The Steering Group have also assessed suggestions from the Community Questionnaire on potential footpath routes and sustainable transport improvements. Click here for a summary of key information.
Footpaths topic paper
You can find more information in the footpaths topic paper here. Please note this is a working document and has not yet been approved by the steering group and Parish Council.
To make the Neighbourhood Plan as representative and effective as possible, it needs to consider a range of evidence. Below you can find some additional information that has supported the Plan or been key to shaping the process.
Community questionnaire – Full Report
The Community Questionnaire Full Report summarises the responses from the 2018 questionnaire, which invited local people to give their views on local development issues. There were 95 completed questionnaires. The response rate was 29%, which is average for a questionnaire of this type.
Community Questionnaire – Summary Report
A summary of the full report of the Community Questionnaire results which were shared with the community in March, 2019.
Parish Plan
The Parish Plan (2012) was the starting point in the evidence base which highlighted preferences for downsizing and sustainable transport priorities, amongst others. You can find out more by reading the Parish Plan web page.
Map of CB&HNP Neighbourhood Area
In December 2017, Wiltshire Council approved a request by Coombe Bissett Parish Council for the parish to become a ‘Neighbourhood Area’. You can see the formal WC designation document and a map of the CB&HNP Neighbourhood Area map.
Population Demographics
Find out about CB&H Population Demographics.
Neighbourhood Plan Process
You can find out more about Neighbourhood Planning – an introduction, CB&HNP Progress to date and timeline.
AECOM are an independent consultancy offering technical support under the Locality Neighbourhood Plan grant programme - see Locality NP Grant programme.
Wiltshire Council Core Strategy (2015 – 2026)
National Planning Policy Framework (2019)
Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs AONB Management Plan (2019-2024)
Wiltshire Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule
Wiltshire Council Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment SHELAA process.