‘Regulation 14’ Consultation Progress Report
Following extensive research, a draft of the Neighbourhood Plan was subject to a ‘Regulation 14’ Consultation between 7 Jan and 19 Feb 2023. The Consultation provided an opportunity for the community to submit comments and suggestions on the draft Plan. The Plan was also sent to ‘statutory consultees’ such as the Cranborne Chase AONB, the Environment Agency and Wiltshire Council.
The Consultation was a great success, with over 70 responses being received from the community. The Parish Council & Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, would like to thank everyone who took the time to study the draft Plan and submit comments.
Of the 70 responses, 85% of people supported the Plan. Importantly, the comments also included many suggestions as to how the Plan should be further refined and improved. These suggestions, together with the comments of the ‘statutory consultees’ are now being carefully considered by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Once this analysis is complete, a further draft of the Neighbourhood Plan will be prepared including any necessary amendments. A number of other pieces of work also have to be prepared including a Consultation Statement showing how we conducted the consultation, what were the main issues raised and how they were addressed.
This work will probably take several months. Once it is complete, the revised Plan and supporting papers will be submitted to Wiltshire Council and also put on the Village Website. Wiltshire Council will then conduct a second consultation and also arrange for the Plan to be independently examined.
Once all this is complete and any further necessary amendments to the Plan have been made, the Plan will be subject to a local Referendum. If a majority vote for the Plan, it will become an integral part of Wiltshire Council’s planning policies and guide development in our community until 2036.
Copies of the Regulation 14 draft Plan, together with the supporting evidence base are all also available on the website.