Regulation 14 Community Consultation
Sat 7th January to Sun 19th February 2023
This consultation is now closed.
The Parish Council has been developing a Neighbourhood Plan for our community over the past few years and it is now ready for your comments.
Once agreed, Neighbourhood Plans become part of Wiltshire Council’s Planning Policies and are therefore powerful tools to ensure that development in our Parish both meets our community’s needs and reflects the community’s wishes.
The draft ‘Regulation 14’ Plan is based on extensive consultation and research. This has involved a Community Questionnaire, a Housing Needs Survey, development of themed evidence papers and a technical assessment of possible development sites. A Design Guide has also been produced to ensure any new development reflects the vernacular character of our villages. In 2020 a Community Survey was conducted to obtain residents’ views on five short-listed potential housing development sites and proposed Local Green Spaces. A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has also been conducted on the draft Plan. This and all supporting papers and evidence are available on the village website.
The Plan aims to support the overall sustainability of our community out to 2036. It consists of a number of sections including: Housing, the Environment, Flooding and Transport. Each issue has corresponding objectives and policies to support the Plan. One of the key proposals covers the selection of three small development sites to meet our local housing needs up to 2036, together with supporting policies, which will be used in deciding any planning applications.
Once the community ‘Regulation 14’ consultation has been completed, the Plan will be amended as necessary and then submitted to Wiltshire Council. They will conduct a further consultation and then have the Plan independently examined. Finally, the Plan will be subject to a local Referendum.
Sat 7th January to Sun 19th February 2023
This consultation is now closed.
The Parish Council has been developing a Neighbourhood Plan for our community over the past few years and it is now ready for your comments.
Once agreed, Neighbourhood Plans become part of Wiltshire Council’s Planning Policies and are therefore powerful tools to ensure that development in our Parish both meets our community’s needs and reflects the community’s wishes.
The draft ‘Regulation 14’ Plan is based on extensive consultation and research. This has involved a Community Questionnaire, a Housing Needs Survey, development of themed evidence papers and a technical assessment of possible development sites. A Design Guide has also been produced to ensure any new development reflects the vernacular character of our villages. In 2020 a Community Survey was conducted to obtain residents’ views on five short-listed potential housing development sites and proposed Local Green Spaces. A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has also been conducted on the draft Plan. This and all supporting papers and evidence are available on the village website.
The Plan aims to support the overall sustainability of our community out to 2036. It consists of a number of sections including: Housing, the Environment, Flooding and Transport. Each issue has corresponding objectives and policies to support the Plan. One of the key proposals covers the selection of three small development sites to meet our local housing needs up to 2036, together with supporting policies, which will be used in deciding any planning applications.
Once the community ‘Regulation 14’ consultation has been completed, the Plan will be amended as necessary and then submitted to Wiltshire Council. They will conduct a further consultation and then have the Plan independently examined. Finally, the Plan will be subject to a local Referendum.